Copper Repipe – Plumbing Services

Copper Repipe

Repiping is the process of removing or bypassing your existing pipe system for either freshwater intake or your sewer system. This is something to consider seriously if you have a galvanized pipe system. You most likely have galvanized pipes if your home or office is more than 25 years old. The main difficulty with galvanized pipes is that they rust. This is what you are seeing when you turn on the faucet and rusty water comes services - cooper repipe

Over a period of 20 to 25 years, these galvanized pipes will become so rusty that you will barely be able to see from one end to the other if you were to look through one. Your plumbing system consists of pressure vs. volume. The pressure is expressed as a P.S.I. (pounds per square inch), which is measured by how much
pressure the water department is pumping through your area, while volume refers to how much water can flow through your pipes.

When these pipes are plugged, it is very similar to having clogged arteries in your body, and very little water can flow through your pipes. When you see rust on your pipes, have rusty water coming out of your faucets, or have any type of erosion or corrosion, there is the potential for leaks or pipe bursts. This is when you need to contact our plumbers and find out more about installing copper piping.

Copper pipes have a lifetime of up to one hundred years and never rust, build up or corrode your plumbing system.

This blog was posted by San Antonio’s Plumber

By | 2022-08-16T15:10:24+00:00 February 4th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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